To do or not to do: sexy photo shoot?

I am starting to think perhaps I should break my fastidious anonymity and do a sexy photo shoot… I have been pondering this for a while, but still side with “no, not yet.”    I think it is because, outside of my house, this blog, my facebook/twitter for this blog, and my own head… I am very vanilla. I don’t know that my vanilla-world would be accepting of this, especially since I work for a very small healthcare organization. I don’t think they would be pleased to find out that I am a sex-blogger, much less a self-published sexy-model (if I decide to do photos).  I also have very poor self-esteem (which I keep hoping this blog and related social media could help with), I think I would get tons of haters flaming me for even dreaming of feeling sexy. 😦

I am thinking of doing #sexyselfiesunday for my twitter account — post a sexy self-photo for Sunday.   Maybe it would increase my self-esteem? But what if vanilla-world found out? Would I get disowned by my very religious family? Fired from my job?

What’s a poor closet-nymphomaniac to do?
